
Geometry 6.1 - 6.3 Review

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  • What is the measure of one interior angle in a regular pentagon?
    108 degrees
  • In the parallelogram KLMN, find the measure of angle N.
    46 degrees
  • In the given parallelogram, find the measure of angle R.
    135 degrees
  • Can you prove the quadrilateral is a parallelogram using the given information? Explain.
    No. Only one pair of opposite angles are congruent.
  • Find the length of RP.
  • What is the sum of the interior angles in a regular octagon?
    1080 degrees
  • Find AC
  • Find x.
  • Find m<CBD.
  • Name 3 ways to prove a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
    opp <s =, opp sides =, opp sides II, diagonals bisect, one pair of opps sides II and =
  • Find the measure of the indicated angle.
    63 degrees
  • In the parallelogram DEFG, find the value of x.
    x = 8
  • What is the name of a polygon with 10 sides?
  • What is the measure of one exterior angle on a regular dodecagon?
    30 degrees
  • Find m<TSR
  • In the given parallelogram, solve for x.
    x = 9
  • The measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon is 135˚. How many sides does the polygon have?
  • Find m<CAD.
  • The measure of an exterior angle of a regular polygon is 10˚. How many sides does the polygon have?
  • Five angles of a hexagon have measures 100°, 110°, 120°, 130°, and 140°. What is the measure of the sixth angle?
  • In the given parallelogram, find the measure of angle Y.
    100 degrees
  • What is the sum of the interior angles in a regular heptagon?
    900 degrees
  • Find TE.
  • What is the sum of the exterior angles of a 22-gon?
    360 degrees
  • Find AD