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  • What will you wear if you are invited to a party like The Dance of the Rose in Monaco?
    If I am invited to a party like The Dance of the Rose in Monaco I will wear pink
  • What happens if you mix blue and yellow?
    If you mix blue and yellos you get green
  • What will happen if there is an alien invasion?
    If there is an alien invasion I will make friends with them
  • If you can be an animal in your next life, which animal will you be?
    If I can be an animal in my next life, I will be a horse
  • What will happen if you don't study your vocabulary?
    If I don't study my vocabulary I won't pass the exam
  • What will you do if you don't pass English?
    If I don't pass English I will study harder
  • If you can live anywhere in the world, where will you live?
    If I can live anywhere I will choose London
  • What happens if you heat ice?
    if you heat ice it melts / it will melt
  • What excuse will you give if you don't do your homework?
    If I don't do my homework I will say that my dog ate it
  • What food will you choose if you can only eat it for one week?
    If I can only eat one food for one week, I will choose chocolate
  • If your besties forget your birthday, what will you do?
    If my besties forget my birthday , I will...
  • If your mobile dies, what will you do?
    If my mobile dies, I will ...
  • If you can only eat one kind of food , what will it be?
    bonus for something different from pizza
  • What will your teacher say if you fall asleep in class?
    If I fall asleep in class, the teacher will let me sleep
  • Who will you choose to be your date if there is a prom party?
    If there is a prom party I will choose XXX to be my date
  • If you can choose to study only one core subject at school, which will it be?
    If I can choose to study only one subject at school I will choose English, obviously.
  • If you win the lottery, how will you spend your money?
    If I win the lottery, I will give all the money to my English teacher
  • If you can choose to be the main character in a film, who will you be?
    If I can be the main character in a film I will be ...
  • If we start a lockdown tomorrow, what will you miss the most?
    bonus for not answering "meeting my friends"