
4th Grade Vocabulary

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  • I have to use peanut butter to "coax" my dog into her crate
    To try to get someone to do something; to persuade
  • As soon as I saw the guitar in the window I "desired" it. 
    To wish for; want very much
  • Kyle's dad painted the tree house in an an "attractive" blue.
    Pleasing to the eye, mind, or senses; good looking
  • The kids "pleaded" for a new video game, but their mom said "no".
    To beg
  • Sitting in jail, the prisoner had lots of time to think about his "captivity".
    The state of being held or imprisoned against one's wishes
  • When I get home from school, I "release" my dog from her crate.
    To let go; to free
  • The ocean is so "vast" that you could swim around it your whole life and never be in the same place twice.
    Very big in area or size
  • I used to think a butterfly's life was "carefree" until I realized that butterflies have to worry about finding food like any other animal.
    Without troubles or worries
  • I just got to the "tragic" ending of Marley and Me and found out that he dies at the end.
    Very sad
  • I was "frantic" when I thought I lost my iPhone. I was looking around for it everywhere.
    Very upset or excited, marked by fast, wild, or nervous actions