
Science Environment

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  • What can happen if you grow a tree next to a road or sidewalk?
    It can break apart the sidewalk or road.
  • What do squirrels eat?
  • What do plants need? Name 3 things.
    Water, air, sunlight, space
  • What is a sudden change to an environment?
    Wildfires, rock slides, flood, tornadoes....
  • Can a plant change the environment?
  • What do animals need to stay alive? Name 3.
    Food, water, air, shelter
  • How do beavers change the environment?
    They cut down trees, make dams, block the stream water....
  • Can animals change environments?
  • What are the four seasons?
    Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
  • What is a living thing?
    Plants and animals are living parts of an environment.
  • What do some animals do in the winter?