
Sentence Comprehension

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  • At the pet store my Mom wanted to get a cat. My Dad wanted to get a fish. What pet did mom want?
    pet store
    a cat.
    mom and dad
    a bird
  • The class took a fieldtrip to the farm. They saw a horse and a pig in the barn.. What was in the barn??
    a horse and a duck
    a cow
    A horse and a pig.
  • Charlie was playing on the playground at school. He liked going down the yellow slide the best. Where was Charlie playing?
    in his backyard
    On the beach
    On the playground.
    in his house
  • Tony played in a soccer game today after school. His team won the game. When did Tony play soccer?
    After dinner
    before dinner
    after lunch
    After school
  • Jenny went fishing with her dad. Jenny caught 3 fish and her dad caught one.. How many fish did Jenny catch?
    three fish
    her dad
    Jenny caught them
    1 fish
  • Suzy and Mark were jumping on the trampoline together. Mark fell off and hurt his arm. Who fell off?
  • Michael went to his friend Tommy's for dinner. Tommy's mom made hamburgers and french fries for them to eat. What did they eat for dinner?
    Hamburgers and french fries.
    pizza and cookies
    tommys house
  • BoBo the clown was at Jenny's birthday party. He painted faces and made balloon animals. What was the clowns name?.
  • Johnny went to a baseball game with his grandpa. They ate hotdogs and popcorn at the game. What did they eat?
    Hotdogs and popcorn.
    johnny and grandpa
    pop and pizza
    baseball game
  • Bobby's dad built a doghouse for their dog Spot. Bobby painted the doghouse green. What color did he paint the doghouse?
    a dog house
    bobby and his dad