
How do people express themselves? 2

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  • Deck
    The ship's deck is slippery from the rain.
  • Marine animals
    Whales are endangered marine animals.
  • Allowance
    My weekly allowance is 10 dollars.
  • prevent
    The iron gate prevented cars from entering.
  • The theater
    We're going to watch a play in the theater next Saturday.
  • Social media
    We shouldn't use social media for too long everyday.
  • old-fashioned
    That dress looks old-fashioned because it was my grandmother's.
  • Recess
    a relaxing break from an activity, such as school classes.
  • petrified
    That monster movie really petrified me.
  • Art gallery
    a room or building where we can see or buy works of art.
  • advisor
    The king has many intelligent advisors.
  • It's not my cup of tea
    Not the kind of thing that i like or i'm intrested in
  • elderly
    People must respect the elderly.
  • react
    When i see something funny, I react by laughing.
  • decade
    10 years. / My granpa lived for 7 decades. He passed away when he was 70 years old.
  • broken up
    sometimes ships are damaged or broken up in storms.
  • playwright
    The playwright wrote a new play every year.
  • poet
    A writer who writes poems.
  • tempest
    A tempest is a very strong storm.
  • Cabin
    a small house, usually built in a simple or rough way. / a room or compartment in a ship or airplane.
  • stage
    I was very nervous when i was performing on stage.
  • Marine life
    plants and animals that live in the sea.
  • Coral reef
    We were diving on the coral reef.
  • grateful
    Thank you. I'm grateful for your help.
  • shallow water
    The sea is shallow here, so we can see the coral plants very clearly.
  • self-expression
    there are millions of examples of self-expression, such as, music, painting, damce..
  • earn
    I earn money by helping my parents with the house chores.
  • beneath
    The flowers planted beneath the tree didn't get enough light.
  • Mend
    My brother's bike is broken. My dad is going to mend it.
  • William Shakespeare
    a famous English poet and playwright.