
Tertiary Sector

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  • If your mom teaches you to make a cake, is this formal, non-formal, or informal education?
    informal education
  • _________ refers to the shift from the primary/secondary sectors to the tertiary sector.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Higher education is more popular in developed countries.
  • What are the three types of education?
    formal, non-formal, and informal
  • How do you say "aprovechamiento" in English?
  • What is the most-visited country in the world?
  • Which of these IS NOT in the tertiary sector?: tourism, social work, construction, transport
  • What is the smallest sector in high-income countries?
    the primary sector
  • How much is the entertainment industry worth?
    It is worth $2.2 trillion.
  • TRUE or FALSE: The tertiary sector is the smallest sector in the EU.
    FALSE. It is the largest sector in the EU.
  • When did the secondary sector loose importance in Spain?
    after the oil crisis of the 1970s
  • TRUE or FALSE: Spain is the most-visited country in the world.
    FALSE. It is the 2nd-most-visited.
  • What is the largest sector in high-income countries?
    the tertiary sector
  • Which of these IS in the tertiary sector?: teaching, mining, farming, car manufacturing
  • Is tourism MORE or LESS than 10 percent of Spain's GDP?
    MORE: It accounts for 11 percent.
  • Is the tertiary sector larger in low- or high-income countries?
    high-income countries
  • How many people in Spain work in tourism?
    2.7 million people
  • TRUE or FALSE: The number of children going to school is falling.
    FALSE. The number is rising.
  • What do proponents of open education believe?
    They believe that everyone should have access to an education.
  • Which is growing faster: e-learning or traditional learning?