
Martin Luther King and Civil Rights

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  • When were all black people allowed to vote in USA
  • Well into the 1960's there used to be white only cafes, toilets and services in USA
  • When was slavery officially ended?
  • What was the name of the more violent civil rights group?
    Black Lions
    Black Lambs
    Black Panthers
    Black Hearts
  • How did Martin Luther King die?
    He drowned at sea
    He was knocked over by a bus
    He died of old age
    He was shot
  • A famous phrase from a speech by Martin Luther King goes...
    I have a dream
    Dream a little dream for me
    I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
    I had a nightmare
  • Rosa Parks became famous in 1955 USA because
    She became the first female president of the USA
    She killed President Kennedy
    She held her breath for 6 minutes
    She refused to give up her bus seat for a white man
  • What is this man's name?
    Martin Kemp
    Martin Luther King Jr
    Martin Fowler
    Martin Bashir
  • What is the civil rights movement about?
    The expectation to be polite to everyone
    Equal rights for all people
    To put non-white people in charge of everything
    Special treatment for women
  • What is the name of the movement that was about equal rights for black people in USA that became popular last year?
    What's the matter
    Nothing realy matters
    Matter and anti matter
    Black LIves Matter