
Natural Hazard

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  • A volcano that erupts often is a _________________
    Active volcano
  • A volcano that does not erupt very often is a _____________________.
    Dormant volcano
  • What is a flood that has a very quick rise in water level?
  • Which natural hazards occurs when the ground shakes? It also can cause a landslide.
  • What causes rives and lakes to dry up?
  • What shape does a tornado make?
    A funnel
  • Which is not a natural hazards that changes ecosystems?
    People cutting down trees
  • What is a landslide?
    rapid movement of rocks and soil down a hill or a mountain
  • What happens to the environment after it floods?
    It changes the environment by washing away soil and plants.
  • What causes a landslide?
  • A ______________________ is a mountain that builds up around an opening in Earth’s crust.
  • Where does a tornado form?
    over land
  • Where do hurricanes form?
    over oceans