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  • Which country is closest to Australia?
    The closest country is Papa New Guinea.
  • Is Australia a country or a continent?
    Australia is both country and continent.
  • What is the name of the first people to live there?
    The first people to live there were the Aborigenes.
  • How do Australians say O.K?
    They say okey dokey.
  • How do Australians say bathroom?
    They say Loo.
  • Which animal reminds us of Australia?
    The most famous of Australia is the Kangaroo.
  • Which Australian city hosted the 2000 Olympic Games?
    The 2000 Olympic Games were hosted in Sidney.
  • What language is spoken there?
    The language spoken in Australia is English.
  • Which movie was made in Australia or about it?
    Finding Nemo.
  • What is the capital of Australia?
    The capital of Australia is Cambera.
  • What is the most popular sport there?
    The most popular sport in Australia is cricket.