
Problem Solving: Zoom Classroom

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  • A friend is making silly faces on Zoom, how does that make the teacher feel?
    Upset or annoyed.
  • Your computer dies while in the middle of a presentation, what do you do now and how will you make sure it doesn't happen again??
    Find a charger quickly! Make sure your computer is plugged in!
  • How do you think your teacher feels when your in class but your camera is off?
    They may think that you are not there or paying attention and may feel upset or disappointed.
  • Your teacher can only see your ceiling or forehead, what do you do?
    Adjust your camera so they can see your face. Check by looking at your "zoom box" to make sure they can see your whole face.
  • How does your teacher feel when you interrupt them while they are talking?
    Annoyed or upset
  • Your friend isn't in your Zoom class like they should be, but they are texting you. What should you do?
    Text them and remind them to come to Zoom class.
  • If your internet goes out in the middle of you answering a question, what should you do?
    Ask your parents for help to restart the internet, wait and once it's back on re-join the session or e-mail your teacher the answer to the question.
  • Your phone starts ringing while on your Zoom class, what do you do?
    Mute yourself or silence your phone!
  • Your teacher puts you in a breakout room, but no one else is in it, what do you do?
    Go back to the main room or press the "ask help" button.
  • You need to go to the bathroom while on a Zoom call, what do you do?
    Chat to the teacher and tell them, turn off your video, mute yourself, and go quickly and come back.
  • You are hungry while on a Zoom call, what do you do?
    Wait until the call is over or politely ask your teacher if you can have a snack.
  • Your little sister starts watching TV with the volume super loud while you are in your Zoom class. What do you do?
    Move to a quieter spot or ask her to turn the volume down or play somewhere else.
  • What do you think your teacher is thinking when you are playing video games when you are supposed to be paying attention in class?
    They are probably thinking that you don't care about your education and may feel disappointed because they put a lot of work into their lesson.
  • You can't find the link to your Zoom class, what do you do?
    Ask your parents for help or e-mail your teacher!
  • You can't attend class because your mom is going to take you to the doctor, what do you do?
    Tell your teacher and watch the class on your own time.
  • You weren't paying attention to your teacher because your mom was talking to you, what should you do?
    Kindly ask your teacher to repeat themselves and apologize for not paying attention.