
Relative Pronouns

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  • Which pronoun do we use to talk about people? a) who b) which
    a) who
  • Mike Wheeler is a boy _____ friend Will gets abducted by a monster. a) Who b) Whose
    b) Whose
  • Donald Trump is a politician _____ silly comments on Twitter get him into trouble a lot. a) Who b) Whose
    b) Whose
  • Which pronoun do we use to talk about things or animals? a) which b) whose
    a) which
  • That's the man _____ dog bit me the other day! a) who b) whose
    b) whose
  • A narwhal is an animal _____ lives in very cold waters. a) whose b) which
    b) which
  • Albert Einstein, _____ was from Germany, invented the theory of relativity. a) which b) who
    b) who
  • Which pronoun do we use to talk about things or people that belong to someone? a) which b) whose
    b) whose
  • An apple is a fruit _____ can be red or green. a) who b) which
    b) which
  • Barack Obama is a politician _____ was the 44th President of the United States. a) whose b) who
    b) who