
Vocabulary Module 4 HMH LESSON 2

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  • Name something that requires great body coordination
    Dancing, sports, juggling etc.
  • How would you pantomime the behavior of someone who frets a lot?
    Someone who frets
  • What would be in a motley toybox?
    cars, dolls, games, robots, varied toys
  • Give a sentence using the word slew
    The dog had a slew of bones hidden.(or one of your choice)
  • Why does a tornado cause extensive damage as it travels along?
    The high winds and high speed cause damage to buildings and trees.
  • Describe a scraggly dog
    Messy hair, dirty, smelly.
  • Give an example of an impulsive action that could get a person in trouble.
    Examples: hitting, running, screaming, etc.
  • How would the band use the word trial when it is concert time?
    The dress rehearsal was a trial run of the concert.
  • Give me sentence using warping.
    The funhouse mirrors is warping their sense of direction..