
The Ocean

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  • TRUE or FALSE: Sound travels faster in water than air.
    True. Sound travels 1,435 meters per second in water, almost five times faster than in air.
  • TRUE or FALSE: An octopus has eight tentacles.
    False. An octopus has eight arms. Tentacles are what squid and cuttlefish have.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Phytoplankton survive on the sun's energy.
    True. Phytoplankton absorb energy from the sun through the process of photosynthesis.
  • Why are the animals that live at the bottom of the ocean often red in colour?
    Because red light doesn't go deeper than 150m, the fish at the bottom of the sea appear black or almost invisible. If they were blue you would still see them.
  • Name the animal in ten seconds: SLEBTRO
  • TRUE or FALSE: The whale shark is a predator feared by man and fish.
    False. The whale shark is the largest of the sharks, but only eats plankton and small fish.
  • TRUE or FALSE: The oceans cover 71% of the world's surface and contains 97% of the earth's water.
    True! Less than 1% is freshwater, and 2-3% is in glaciers and ice caps.
  • TRUE or FALSE: An octopus has three hearts.
    True! It has two to move blood past it's gills and one for the rest of its body.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Almost all of the ocean is unexplored.
    True. We have only explored 5% of the world's ocean.
  • Name the animal in ten seconds: HILNPOD
  • TRUE or FALSE: Jellyfish are poisonous and can't be eaten.
    FALSE. Some jellyfish can be eaten, but like a lot of animals, there are parts you can eat and parts you can't so make sure it is prepared by someone who knows!
  • The name Pacific Ocean comes from the Latin for 'peaceful sea'.
    True! The name derives from the phrase 'Tempre Pacificum'.
  • TRUE or FALSE: The average temperature of the ocean is 2°C (about 39° Fahrenheit).
    True! The water in Plentzia averages about 16°C.
  • Why is this animal called an anglerfish?
    Because The fish has a luminescent fleshy growth from it's head which is dangles in front of it's mouth to lure prey. Angler is another name for fisherman.
  • How do cephalopods communicate under water?
    By sending visual signals by changing the colour of their skin with spots.
  • Do sea turtles lay their eggs in the same place every time?
    Yes, sea turtles return to the place where they were born to lay eggs. They go to the same place at the same time of year, but not always every year.
  • Name the animal in ten seconds: FLEISHJYL