
ID of bones & the gross features of the long bon ...

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  • True or False: Bones have the same shapes and distinct gross anatomical features.
    False: Bones have different shapes and distinct gross anatomical features.
  • The nutrient artery is a large artery that enters compact bone near the _______ of the diaphysis.
  • What is the endosteum?
    A connective tissue membrane.
  • The cells that degrade bone to initiate normal bone remodeling and mediate bone loss in pathologic conditions by increasing their resorptive activity
  • What is an diaphysis?
    The middle shaft area
  • What bone develops in the tendons in order for protection against wear and tear and is small.
    Sesamoid bones
  • In a growing bone, the metaphyses contain a layer of hyaline cartilage called
    Epiphyseal plate
  • What bone doesn’t fit into any type of category.
    Irregular bone
  • The hollow center of the bony diaphysis.
    Medullary cavity
  • What is an osteoblast?
    The cells that form new bone.
  • I am a fatty substance found within the medullary cavity.
    Yellow marrow.
  • True or False: bone growth stops when the epiphyseal plate cartilage becomes ossified and forms a bony structure called the epiphyseal line.
  • What bone contains a thick exterior of spongy bone covered by a thin veneer of a compact bone and is almost equal in length and wide.
    Short bones
  • What bone is relatively flat but it may be curved, and it contains a thin spongy bone interior covered by a thin veneer of compact bone.
    Flat bones
  • I am composed of the hyaline cartilage. I cover both epiphyses and the rest of my bone exterior is covered with the periosteum.
    I am articular cartilage.
  • A tough, connective tissue membrane.
  • What is an epiphysis?
    The enlarged proximal and distal ends of longs bones.
  • What is found between the cavities of spongy bone and produces blood cells.
    Red marrow.
  • What is the nutrient foramen?
    The foramen through which the nutrient artery enters.
  • What bone is longer than they are wide and has a thick compact bone exterior.
    Long bone
  • What is a metaphysis?
    It is an area in the adult bone where the epiphyses and the diaphysis join.
  • What are the five classifications of bones according to their shapes?
    Long, short, flat, irregular, and sesamoid