
Work Stories

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  • land a job
    to succeed in getting a job
  • menial tasks
    boring work that does not require much skill
  • lay off staff
    to stop employing people because there is not enough work for them
  • highly motivated
    extremely keen to work hard
  • seeking promotion
    to try and get a more important or better paid job in the same company
  • high turnover of staff
    when a company's staff change very frequently
  • hand in my notice
    to tell an employer that you are going toleave your job
  • take on (new) staff
    to employ new people
  • high-powered job
    a very important and demanding probabaly with stress
  • manual labour
    work that involves your hands
  • on the job training
    training while a person is working
  • work unsocial hours
    to work late at night or very early in the morning
  • unpaid overtime
    extra hours that you work for which you are not paid