
Ocean Currents

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  • Deep ocean currents form due to changes in temperature? True OR False
  • What is another name for deep ocean currents? Deep ocean currents OR convection Currents
    Convection Currents
  • What happens due to the Coriolis Effect? The current stays straight OR curves
  • Surface currents are found at the top part of the ocean? True or False
  • Which of the following does NOT affect surface currents? Continental Deflection OR Temperature
  • What is the name of a major surface ocean current near the United States? The south equatorial OR the gulf stream
    The Gulf Stream
  • Warm water is more dense than cold water, so it sinks to the bottom of the ocean? True or False
  • How many rubber ducks were lost at sea in 1992?
  • What does this picture show? Continental Deflection OR Temperature
  • The ocean can transport: Solids, Gases, Energy, All of the Above
    All of the Above
  • What would happen to surface currents if the Earth did not rotate?
    The currents would only travel North, South, East or West
  • What is the MAIN power source that creates winds that move ocean currents? The Sun OR the ground
  • Which of the following explains how water becomes filled with nutrients, providing food for ocean life like phytoplankton? Energy OR Upwelling
  • Why does the Coriolis Effect happen? The Earth's Rotation OR Gravity
    The Earth's Rotation