
Family and friends 3 Animals pg43

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  • Is the monkey chewing?
    No, it isn't. It's having a shower
  • Is the zebra eating dinner?
    No, it isn't. It's dancing
  • Is the lion swimming?
    No, it isn't. it's running.
  • Is the boy running?
    No, he isn't. He's taking a photo.
  • Is the parrot sleeping?
    Yes, it is.
  • Is the lizard wearing a hat?
    Yes, it is.
  • Is the tiger climbing?
    No, it isn't. it's eating.
  • Is the lion sleeping?
    No, it isn't. It's watching tv.
  • Is the monkey running?
    No, it isn't. it's climbing.
  • Is the penguin writing?
    Yes, it is.