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  • What's his name? How tall is he?
    Sun Ming Ming. He is 236cm
  • What is he doing?
    He is bouncing a ball
  • The PE teacher called Mr Dũng invented a new sport: football
    The PE teacher called James Naismith invented a new sport: basketball
  • Naismith put meat baskets onto balconies at each end of the swimming pool. True Or False
    Naismith put fruit baskets onto balconies at each end of the swimming pool.
  • When were basketball hoops and nets invented?
    Basketball hoops and nets were invented in 1906
  • Thomas Edison _________ a light bulb.
  • name 3 things we can with the basketball
    throw a ball, pass a ball, bounce a ball,
  • What's his name?
  • If you are short, you can't play basketball. TRUE OR FALSE
    FALSE you don't have to be tall to play basketball. The famous player Bogues is only 160 cm
  • What is this?
    a court
  • Name 4 sports have balls
    basketball, football, baseball, volleyball, tennis
  • What do you need to play basketball?
    You just need a ball, some friends and a basketball hoop
  • name 3 things we can with the basketball
    throw a ball, pass a ball, bounce a ball, block a ball
  • What do you wear when play basketball? 1 thing
  • Basketball started in 1991 in Vietnam. TRUE OR FALSE.
    False Basketball started in 1891 in Canada
  • Who is the tallest basketball player?
    Sun Ming Ming
  • How many teams play in a match?
    2 teams
  • Why does each basket have a hole?
    to get the ball downs
  • What does "keep fit" mean?
    giữ dáng đẹp
  • Today people can play basketball _________.
  • Why do pupil need a sport to play inside in winter?
    Because the weather is cold
  • How did players get the balls down?
    The players climbed a ladder.
  • How did players score points?
    players score points by throwing balls into the baskets