
Virtual Field Trip to a Snowy Town

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  • I waited in line to sled down the hill. Now, say the negative.
    I didn't wait...
  • We zoomed down the hill on our sleds. Now, say the negative.
    We didn't zoom...
  • I sledded down the huge hill. Now, say the negative.
    I didn't sled...
  • We bundled up to go play outside. Now, say the negative.
    We didn't bundle up...
  • Make your own sentences. Use a verb in positive and negative past tense.
  • We skated on the frozen pond. Now, say the negative.
    We didn't skate...
  • I shivered when I was making snowballs. Now, say the negative.
    I didn't shiver...
  • I saw a lot of kids playing in the snow. Now, say the negative.
    I didn't see...
  • We hiked up the trail. Now, say the negative.
    We didn't hike...
  • We made snowballs to throw at our friends. Now, say the negative.
    We didn't make...
  • We walked around the town. Now, say the negative.
    We didn't walk...
  • I looked out the window at the snowy town. Now, say the negative.
    I didn't look...
  • I rolled big snowballs for a snowman. Now, say the negative.
    I didn't roll...
  • Make your own sentences. Use a verb in positive and negative past tense.
  • We drank hot chocolate. Now, say the negative.
    We didn't drink...