
Questions about non-fiction Scholastic Vikings

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  • Where did Leif Ericson live?
  • Why did the vikings travel so much?
    They could not find the resources they needed at home.
  • Where do viking ancestors live now?
    Norway, Sweden, and Denmark
  • The Vikings were skilled mariners. If a mariner is someone who works on the seas, and a marine animal is one that lives in the ocean, what does marine mean?
    Related to the water;ocean
  • Describe viking ships
    Large, large square sail, bright colors.
  • The daring Viking sailors took many risks. What do you think daring means?
    Bold, willing to take risks; courageous
  • When Vikings made their way to Labrador, they established settlements. What do you think settlement means?
    A town, village
  • Why did the Vikings not stay in Labrador?
    The original settlers drove them away.
  • Vikings did not have maps, so they calculated location using the sun and stars. What does calculated mean?
    Determine; figured out
  • Around what year did Vikings start attacking other towns?
    700 AD
  • The Vikings traveled without the benefit of a compass. What is a benefit?
  • What two continents are mentioned in the passage?
    Europe, North America
  • Why did the Vikings attack towns along the coast?
    Because they were easier to reach by ship.
  • Vikings gained many treasures by attacking and ____________?
  • In the passage, the ships are described as "striking" and "majestic." What do you think striking means in this passage?
    Visually interesting, boldly striped
  • Why do you think the passage says that Vikings are feared?
    They attacked towns, stealing their food and supplies.
  • Historians believe the people who lived in Labrador drove them away. Who are historians?
    People who study history; history experts
  • The word "settlement" is used in the passage. The suffix "-ment" means the act of. What word means the act of governing?
  • What evidence was given to demonstrate that Vikings were amazing sailors?
    They traveled without a map or compass.