
P6 UNIT 3-3

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  • What animal is usually associated with Zeus?
    eagle / winged horse / Pegasus
  • What is another word for dispute?
    argument / debate / controversy / disagreement etc.
  • Who drew the worst lot out of the 3 brothers?
  • Name 2 of Zeus's powers.
    the ability to throw lightning bolts/ control weather / disguise himself
  • Give one example of Zeus's cruelty.
    punished Prometheus by strapping him to a rock while an eagle ate his liver daily
  • What was the gate of Mount Olympus made of?
  • What is Hera's relationship with Zeus?
    sister / wife
  • Who is the goddess of wisdom and war?
  • How long did the war rage for?
    10 years
  • Who guarded the gates of Mount Olympus?
    four goddesses, the Seasons
  • Where did the brothers build a glorious castle for all of the gods?
    Mount Olympus
  • What is Zeus infamous for?
    his insatiable desire for women
  • Where did Zeus and his siblings put the Titans?
    Tartarus / the Underworld
  • What is the antonym of mortals?
  • What is Zeus's relationship with Apollo?
    father and son