
On topic questions

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  • Topic: Holidays
    1. What is your favorite holiday? 2. Do you like ____? 3. If you could make up a holiday, what would it be?
  • How do you feel during a conversation when the other person doesn't ask you any questions?
    Left out, like they don't care, upset, annoyed, indifferent
  • Topic: Jobs
    1. What do you want to be when you grow up? 2.Do you have a job now? 3.Where do you work?
  • Topic: Language
    1. Do you speak any other languages? 2. If you could learn a language what would it be? 3. Which language do you think would be the hardest to learn?
  • Topic: Embarrassing moments
    1. What is your most embarrassing moment? 2. What is something you've seen someone else do that was embarrassing? 3. Have you ever embarrassed someone before?
  • Topic: Dreams
    1. Do you dream often? 2. What was your craziest dream? 3. Do you remember most of your dreams?
  • Topic: Travel
    1. Do you like to travel? 2.Have you traveled to another country before? 3. Do you like flying on airplanes?
  • Topic: Video Games
    1. Do you play video games? 2. What is your favorite games? 3. What console do you play on?
  • Topic: Teachers
    1. Who is your favorite teacher? 2. Who is your least favorite teacher? 3. Which teacher from elementary school did you like the most?
  • Topic: Play
    1. What do you like to play 2.Do you want to play a game? 3. What do you like to do on the playground?
  • Topic: School
    1.Do you like school? 2.Do you want to go back to in person school? 3. What is your favorite class?
  • Topic: Pet peeves
    1.What is something that annoys you? 2.Why does it bother you? 3.What is something that someone does that makes you angry?
  • Topic: Family
    1.Do you have brother's or sisters? 2. Who do you like to hang out with most in your family? 3. Do you live close to any of your extended family?
  • Topic: Friends
    1.Who are your friends? 2. Do you have a best friend? 3. What do you like to do with your friends?
  • Topic: Weather
    1. Todays weather 2. Do you like the rain? 3. What is your favorite type of weather?
  • Topic: Future
    1. What are you going to do this weekend/ 2. If you could be anything you wanted in the future, what would you be? 3. What do you look forward to?
  • Topic: Where you live?
    1. Where do you live? 2. Do you like your house? 3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  • What are some question words?
    Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, Do you.......?????
  • Topic: Restaurants
    1. What is your favorite restaurant, 2.What's the last restaurant you went to? 3.What is the best restaurant you've ever eaten at?
  • Topic: Reading
    1. Do you like to read? 2. What is your favorite book? 3. What are you reading now?
  • Topic: Hobbies
    1. Do you have any hobbies? 2.How often do you do that? 3.Why do you like to do that hobby?
  • Topic: Recent things that happened
    1. How was your break? 2. What did you do this weekend? 3.Who did you hang out with?
  • Topic: Memories
    1. What is your favorite memory? 2.What was your earliest memory? 3. What is something you've done recently that you will remember forever?
  • COMMENTS: What are some things you can say to make is seem like you are paying attention during a conversation?
    Cool! Awesome! That's neat! That sucks! Bummer! Okay! Nice! Wow! Oh man! Me too! Not me!
  • Topic: Superpowers
    1. If you could have any superpower what would it be? 2. Why? 3.What is the first thing you would do?
  • Topic: Art
    1. Do you like to color 2. What do you like to paint? 3. Do you like doing art?
  • Topic: Special talents
    1. Do you have any special talents or something you think you are good at? 2. Where/when did you learn to do them? 3. What talent would you like to learn?
  • Ask someone in the group a "would you rather?" question!!!!
  • Topic: Pets
    1. Do you have any pets? 2.What type of cat/dog is it? 3.What is their name?
  • Topic: Exercise
    1. Do you like to exercise? 2. What is your favorite type of exercise? 3. What is your least favorite type of exercise?
  • Topic: What is happening RIGHT NOW!
    1. Where are you? 2. Do you like this game? 3. Isn't speech the most amazing thing ever!!?!?
  • What is a great follow-up question to keep a conversation going?
  • Topic: Free time
    1. What do you do in your free time? 2. Who do you do it with? 3. Why do you like to do that?
  • Topic: Today
    1. What did you do today? 2. What was the best thing that happened today? 3. If you could relive today, what would you do differently?
  • Topic: Movies
    1.What is your favorite movie? 2.Do you like scary movies? 3.Do you miss going to the movie theater?
  • Topic: Outdoors
    1. Do you like being outdoors? 2. What is your favorite thing to do outside? 3. Do you like being in nature?