
Our Star, the Sun

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  • The transfer of thermal energy
  • Any star around which planets revolve
  • True or False: The moon and sun are both stars.
  • What is the sun mostly made up of?
    slowly rotating gases, mostly hydrogen and helium
  • A system of objects that revolve around a star
    solar system
  • A massive ball of gas in outer space that gives off heat, light, and other forms of radiation
  • How do nonliving materials help places on the Earth stay warm?
    Nonliving materials absorb sunlight, energy changes to thermal energy and temperature increases.
  • What are the layers of the sun’s atmosphere?
    the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona
  • waves of electromagnetic energy; electromagnetic energy that people can see
  • True or False: At its core, the sun can reach 15.5 million degrees Celsius.
  • True or False: The sun is a star.
  • The chemical element consisting of one proton and one electron
  • What is the largest object in the solar system?
    the sun
  • What are some benefits of being exposed to the sun?
    Can make people happier, can stimulate the body to make vitamin D
  • True or False: Nonliving materials absorb light from the sun.
  • Why does the sun appear larger and brighter than other stars in the universe?
    It is much closer to Earth than other stars.
  • What is the type of energy that is absorbed by nonliving things?