
Law of Conservation of Matter

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  • What is Sugar Mixed in Water called in Chemistry? Define it.
    A Solution.... When all of the Solute dissolves in a solvent, a solution is formed
  • What is Matter?
    Anything that has mass and occupies space
  • in the Expt, what causes the snake to be so much larger than the ingredients?
    Chemical reaction upon heating, causes the gases to release and that formed bubbles. Those bubbles expanded and made the snake look much larger
  • What does 'Conservation of Matter' mean?
    describes how the amount of matter stays the same, even if it changes form.
  • When water boils on a stove, after sometime, some water seems to disappear. Where does it go?
    When water is heated it changes form from liquid to gas. The gas then escapes into the air.
  • Explain the Sugar and Water experiment from the Video
    he sugar dissolves into the water. It is still there, it simply changes into a form we can't see.
  • When Dr Jeff boils the water, what happens?
    As the water is heated it changes forms from liquid to gas. The sugar is left behind as a solid, providing us with evidence that it was in there the whole time.
  • What evidence is there that Sugar is still there, even though we cannot see it?
    The sugar water weights 175 grams which is the same as all the sugar (25g) plus all the water (150g). This is evidence that the sugar is still there even though
  • Why did the fire snake weigh a little bit less than the ingredients?
    This is because some carbon dioxide gas produced during the chemical reaction escapes into the air.
  • Can Matter Vanish? Then what happens to it?
    Doesnot Vanish. Just changes form