
Possessions & Money Reading Quiz

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  • Why is it a good idea to buy second-hand products?
    They are often much cheaper than new products.
  • What is the title of the article?
    Smart tips for young people
  • Match a word in the text with the antonym (opposite): old (paragraph D)
  • How can you get a new games console if you haven't got much money?
    Swap your old console and games for something new.
  • How can you get a lot of money on your 30th birthday?
    Save either 78 cents a day from the age of 13, €4.47 a day from the age of 25, or €27 a day from the age of 29.
  • How can you start saving money? (3 ways)
    swap old things for new, buy second-hand things, get a part-time job, don't buy things you don't need
  • complete the sentence: you can earn __ ______ euros a week if you walk your neighbours' dogs...
    a few
  • Match the heading (1, 2, 3, or 4) with the paragraph (A, B, C, or D): Save money now.
    Paragraph A
  • What are antonyms? Give an example.
    Antonyms are words that mean the opposite of another word; example: big/small
  • The article advises you to: think before you buy /OR/ buy and think after
    think before you buy.
  • To receive €10,000 you need to save 78 cents a day from ___________________.
    the age of 13.
  • Many __________ sell second-hand games.
    shops/games shops
  • Match a word in the text with the antonym (opposite): late (paragraph A)
  • Match a word in the text with the antonym (opposite): none (paragraph B)
  • Which is the best piece of advice in the text?
    (Your opinion)
  • Match a word in the text with the antonym (opposite): cheap (paragraph B)
  • Match a word in the text with the antonym (opposite): lend (paragraph C)
  • Match the heading (1, 2, 3, or 4) with the paragraph (A, B, C, or D): Don't borrow money.
    Paragraph C
  • Match the heading (1, 2, 3, or 4) with the paragraph (A, B, C, or D): New for old.
    Paragraph B
  • Match a word in the text with the antonym (opposite): stupid (paragraph A)
  • Match the heading (1, 2, 3, or 4) with the paragraph (A, B, C, or D): Do I really need it?
    Paragraph D
  • To save a lot of money it is best to __________________.
    get a part-time job
  • Is it a good idea to buy something that you don't really need?
    No, it isn't.
  • What part-time jobs can you get to earn more money?
    walk your neighbours' dogs, wash their cars, or look after children