
At the swimming pool - must, can, have to

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  • Choose the best answer: The showers at the pool are dirty / broken / hot.
    The showers at the pool are hot.
  • Find words or phrases in the text which mean the places where you take off your clothes and put on your swimming costume
    the changing rooms
  • Find words or phrases in the text which mean a piece of furniture that you sit in or lie on to relax at the pool or beach
    a sun lounger
  • Find words or phrases in the text which mean playing and fighting in the water
    splashing and dunking
  • Choose the best answer: Margaret was / is / wants to be a good diver.
    Margaret was a good diver.
  • Choose the best answer: Margaret thinks some / many people are afraid of the water.
    Margaret thinks many people are afraid of the water.
  • Choose the best answer: The swimming pool is in Nick’s apartment building / near the office / opposite the train station.
    The swimming pool is near the office.
  • Find words or phrases in the text which mean a person who watches swimmers and saves them if they are in danger
    a lifeguard
  • Choose the best answer: Nick is / is not a very good swimmer.
    Nick is not a very good swimmer.
  • Find words or phrases in the text which mean a play structure that you climb up and then go down quickly
    a slide