
It's Christmas....simple sentences.

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  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    He is throwing a snowball.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    The cat is touching a Christmas ball.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    The children are singing Christmas carols.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    She is putting a star on the tree.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    The dog is sleeping under the tree.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    They are sledding.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    He is eating a candy cane.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    They are decorating cookies.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    She is walking in the snow.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    They are opening presents.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    She has a hot chocolate with marshmallows.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    The dog is hiding under the tree.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    They are building a snowman.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    They are making snow angels.
  • Say a sentence about this picture.
    They are ice skating.