
Matura exam-basic level (1)

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  • Translate into English: He turned up late.
    On przyjechał/przybył/pojawił się późno.
  • For and against essay-what do you know about it? (rozprawka)
    4 paragrafy, teza , język formalny
  • Translate:Nie powinieneś ściągać. (don't use SHOULD)
    You ought not to cheat.
  • Make an adjective from HARMONY.
  • Translate: Mam szansę na awans.
    I have a chance of promotion.
  • What are the prepositions in this sentence: He is ..... charge .... the music department.
    in, of
  • Translate into Polish: It turned out to be a lovely day.
    Okazało się , że to był piękny dzień.
  • Explain in English: a dead-end job
    A job with a low salary and no chance of progress
  • Explain in English : generation
    all people of about the same age
  • Explain in English: acquintance
    Someone you know a little, who is not a close friend
  • Translate into Polish: A VACANCY
    wolna posada
  • Translate into English: under no circumstances
    pod żadnym warunkiem, w żadnym razie, pod żadnym pozorem
  • Give a synonym for: hang out
  • Explain in English: take after
    be similar to
  • What's the synonym for: call off
  • Explain in English: turn down an invitation
    reject an invitation
  • Translate: Czy znalazłeś już swoja bratnią duszę?
    Have you found your soulmate yet?
  • Translate a part of this sentence into English: My sister didn't accept this job POMIMO ODPOWIEDNICH GODZIN PRACY.
    in spite of/despite suitable working hours.
  • How do we start and finish a formal letter?When we write to a person that we don't know and when we write to a person whose name and surname we know)
    Dear Sir or Madam/ Dear Mr Novak, Yours Faithfully/ Yours sincerely
  • Translate: Mamy dużo wspólnego ze sobą.
    We have a lot in common with each other.
  • Translate into English: pracować pod presją
    work under pressure
  • Give at least 5 names of Christmas dishes in Poland:
    forest mushroom soup beet broth. mushroom dumplings sauerkraut with mushrooms porcini fried carp herring salad gingerbread cookies gingerbread poppy seed roll
  • Make a plural noun from an adjective SIMILAR
  • Give word formation from : FRIEND (AT LEAST 4 WORDS)
    friendly, unfriendly, friendship, befriend, friendless, friendliness
  • Explain in English:work flexitime
    a system in which people work a particular number of hours each week or month, but can change the times at which they start and finish each day