
Truth or Dare

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  • Tell everyone an embarrassing story about yourself
    Yes or No?
  • Tell to the other group two truths and a lie, and they have to guess which one the lie is
    Yes or No?
  • Count backwards from 20 to 0 only the odd numbers
    Yes or No?
  • Jump on one foot and sing a Christmas song for at least 60 seconds
    Yes or No?
  • Tell us about your greatest achievement in life
    Yes or No?
  • If you had to leave your home country, what country would you go to and why?
    Yes or No?
  • Sing a song in English
    Yes or No?
  • Have you ever cheated on a test and got caught? Tell us the story
    Yes or No?
  • Name 10 movies in English in 30 seconds
    Yes or No?
  • If you knew that you only have 1 more year to live, what would you do?
    Yes or No?
  • When was the most inappropriate time you busted out in laughter?
    Yes or No?
  • Tell a funny story about yourself
    Yes or No?
  • Say the alphabet in 20 seconds
    Yes or No?
  • Say the name of five music bands in English in 15 seconds
    Yes or No?
  • What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
    Yes or No?
  • Name 5 words that begin with the letter C, in 30 seconds!!
    Yes or No?
  • Tell us a joke in English
    Yes or No?
  • Spell the next word ....
    Yes or No?
  • Tell us a Secret talent you have
    Yes or No?
  • Tell the class about your pets and how you got them
    Yes or No?
  • Do your silliest dance
    Yes or No?
  • What do you want for Christmas?
    Yes or No?
  • If you could meet a celebrity, who would it be and why?
    Yes or No?
  • Hum a familiar song and someone must guess it
    Yes or No?