
Aprendiendo Español

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  • How do you say ‘lamp’ in Spanish?
  • Say all the face parts you can remember (in Spanish)
    Frente, ojos, nariz, boca, orejas.
  • Count from 10 to twenty in Spanish
    Diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince, dieciséis, diecisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve, veinte
  • Count in Spanish from one to ten
    Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
  • How would you say ‘I like football’ in Spanish?
    Me gusta el football (americano).
  • Tell me the colours in Spanish
    Rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, morado, rosa, café, negro, anaranjado
  • Say: ‘I am happy’ in Spanish
    Yo estoy contento.
  • Say the sentence in Spanish: ‘The balloons are blue’
    Los globos son azules.
  • Tell me in Spanish what you see in the picture
    La luna, estrella, nubes
  • Say this in Spanish: The ladybug is red.
    La catarina es roja
  • How would you say: ‘my head!’ In Spanish
    ¡Mi cabeza!
  • Say ‘floor’ in Spanish
  • Say: ‘Good morning’ in Spanish
    Buenos días
  • Tell me in Spanish what this is:
    Una flor en la maceta
  • In Spanish, how can you say that is cold at night?
    En la noche hace frío
  • Say it in Spanish: The pigeon is angry
    La paloma está enojada
  • How would I say ‘My face is dirty’ in Spanish?
    Mi cara está sucia
  • Say it in Spanish: The panda is dirty
    El panda está sucio
  • ‘The monkey is happy’ in Spanish would be:
    El chango está contento
  • Tell me all the animals you remember in Spanish.
    Rana, pato, pez, serpiente, chango, jirafa, venado, vaca, león, pingüino, búo, perro, gato, etc
  • Say: ‘The cat is in (or inside) the box’ in Spanish
    El gato está en (o adentro) de la caja
  • How do you say ‘couch’ in Spanish?
  • How would you say that you want pizza in Spanish?
    Quiero pizza
  • Introduce yourself in Spanish
    Me llamo _______, tengo ______ años
  • Say this in Spanish: I am thirsty, I need water
    Tengo sed, necesito agua.
  • Say in Spanish: The butterfly is purple.
    La mariposa es morada
  • Say: ‘I’m hungry’ in Spanish
    Tengo hambre