
How well do you know Deb Norton?

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  • Deb Norton worked at the Charcoal Pit II when she lived in Oshkosh.
    True. Deb worked there while attending UWO. Deb made her summer rent by working during the week of EAA each summer.
  • Deb Norton grew up in Oshkosh, WI and attended Lourdes Academy.
    False! Deb's father grew up in Oshkosh and was the first class to attend Lourdes Academy! And the priest from St. Johns Catholic church paid for his tuition.
  • Deb Norton is allergic to flowers, pollen, and all things outdoors.
    False. Deb has zero allergies, but she sympathizes with all those who do have allergies.
  • Deb Norton is an avid Twitter user.
    True - you can follow Deb on Twitter with the Twitter handle: @deb_norton
  • Deb Norton once shook the hand of a President of the United States.
    True! When Deb was in college at UWO, Jimmy Carter visited the campus and she shook his hand. He was not the acting president at the time.
  • Deb Norton is a Cubs and Bears fan.
    False! Deb's husband, Tim is a Cubs and Bears fan. He grew up in Illinois.
  • Deb Norton has three sons: Ryan, Carver and Robert.
    False. Deb Norton has two sons: Ryan and Robert.
  • Deb Norton loves to do wood working projects and owns many power tools.
    True! Deb has built many pieces of furniture for her house.