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  • Где корова каталась на коньках вчера?
    Where did the cow skate yesterday?
  • Корова не каталась на коньках вчера в парке.
    The cow didn't skate yesterday in the park.
  • Tomorrow I will clean my teeth _____ the morning.
    Tomorrow I will clean my teeth IN the morning.
  • Cross the odd word out: HAVE, SEE, COME, PLAY, GO
  • Ты смотрел вчера телевизор.
    You watched TV yesterday.
  • Cross the odd word out: FOOD, BREAKFAST, DINNER, LUNCH, SUPPER
  • Мой брат и я мыли руки дома.
    My brother and I washed our hands at home.
  • Cross the odd word out: SWEET, CUP, COOKIE, EGG, PORRIDGE
  • Я буду наблюдать за животными в зоопарке.
    I will watch animals in the Zoo.
  • ______ are very good for our teeth (apples/sweets/English toys).
    APPLES are very good for our teeth.
  • Puppies and their mother live in the _____ (sports ground/bag/doghouse).
    Puppies and their mother live in the DOGHOUSE.
  • Мои сёстры любили смотреть телевизор.
    My sisters liked to watch TV.
  • Я помогаю моей маме по дому (about the house).
    I help my mother about the house.
  • Когда корова каталась на коньках в парке?
    When did the cow skate in the park?
  • Mary drinks apple juice every day. -- NO! Mary...
    NO! Mary doesn't drink apple juice every day.
  • Корова каталась на коньках вчера в парке.
    The cow skated yesterday in the park.
  • Корова каталась на коньках вчера в парке?
    Did the cow skate yesterday in the park?
  • He usually watches TV _____ night.
    He usually watches TV AT night.
  • My father and my mother will watch TV _____ (yesterday/today/tomorrow/now)
    My father and my mother will watch TV TOMORROW.
  • Что делала корова вчера в парке?
    What did the cow do yesterday in the park?
  • Cross the odd word out: DENTIST, ENGINEER, WORKER, BABY, DRIVER
  • He is making soup without meat now. - NO! He...
    NO! He isn't making soup without meat.
  • Jim and Jill will buy carrots tomorrow. -- NO! Jim and Jill...
    NO! Jim and Jill won't buy carrots tomorrow.
  • Cross the odd word out: MILK, TEA, APPLE, COFFEE, JUICE
  • Cross the odd word out: RUN, SKIP, WALK, SWIM, SPORT
  • My father ate salad with bread. -- NO! My father...
    NO! My father didn't eat salad with bread.
  • What do you usually eat _____ breakfast?
    What do you usually eat FOR breakfast?
  • My sister likes to play _____ her toys.
    My sister likes to play WITH her toys.
  • I will give you my puppy. -- NO! I...
    NO! I won't give you my puppy.
  • Мои сёстры умывались (= мыли руки и лицо) вчера утром.
    My sisters washed their hands and faces yesterday morning.
  • Завтра ты будешь кататься на коньках.
    Tomorrow you will skate.
  • I would like to go _____ a walk with you.
    I would like to go FOR a walk with you.
  • Boys and girls like to eat _____ (cats and dogs/sweets and apples/frogs and dolphins).
    Boys and girls like to eat SWEETS AND APPLES.
  • Вчера ты помог мне сделать уроки.
    Yesterday you helped me to do my homework.
  • Robin ate five frogs yesterday. -- NO! Robin...
    NO! Robin didn't eat five frogs yesterday.
  • My dad usually comes home at eight. -- NO! My dad...
    NO! My dad doesn't usually come home at eight.
  • They are playing leapfrog now. -- NO! They...
    NO! They aren't playing leapfrog now.
  • We live _____ Russia.
    We live IN Russia.
  • They played chess _____ (yesterday/today/tomorrow/now).
    They played chess YESTERDAY.