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  • Name the job!
    It`s a waitress.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a sailor.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a shop assistant.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a bus driver.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a builder.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a nurse.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a secretary.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a soldier.
  • Name the job!
    It`s an astronaut.
  • Name the job!
    It`s an actor.
  • Name the job!
    It`s an artist.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a scientist.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a cleaner.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a postman.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a lawyer.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a chef.
  • Name the job!
    It`s a pilot.