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  • SET E What is surface runoff?
    It's when water flows over ground to rivers, lakes or the sea
  • SET B What is the government?
    A government is a group of people who make the laws in a country?
  • FIND THE SET What is the loss of water from a plant's leaves?
    It's transpiration
  • SET D What is mining?
    It's digging up useful rocks or minerals from underneath the ground
  • SET A What is condensation?
    Condensation is when a gas cools and turns into a liqud
  • SET D What is the main vent?
    It's the main route the lava takes from the magma chamber to the earth's surface
  • FIND THE SET What is the starting point of a river?
    It's the source
  • SET A What is a wet, muddy bit of land?
    It's a bog
  • SET B What is the really wide bit of a river where it joins the sea?
    It's an estuary
  • FIND THE SET What is the area around the North Pole?
    It's the Arctic
  • SET C What are all the bits of rock, sand and soil carried in a river or by the sea?
    They are sediment.
  • SET E What is the most southern point of the Earth?
    It's the South Pole
  • SET B What is an eruption cloud?
    It's when a volcano releases gas and ash into the air, forming a cloud
  • SET E What is water vapour?
    It's the name for water when it's a gas
  • SET D What is a small opening at the side of a volcano?
    It's a secondary vent.
  • SET A What is the city where the government of a country is based?
    It's the capital city
  • SET D What is a rock or part of a rock that is useful to us?
    It's a mineral
  • SET C What is a magma chamber?
    It's a pool of magma in the earth
  • SET E What is an opening in the earth's crust that can let magma and ash out?
    It's a volcano
  • FIND THE SET What is it when water soaks into the ground?
    It's infiltration
  • SET B What is the thin, solid outer layer of the earth?
    It's the crust
  • SET A What is a climate zone?
    It's the climate in a certain area of the world
  • SET C What are the horizontal and vertical imaginary lines around the earth?
    They are latitude and longitude lines
  • FIND THE SET What is the cycle of water between the Earth's oceans, sky and land
    It's the water cycle
  • SET C What is magma?
    It's hot liquid rock under the earth's surface