
English file intermediate 4th ed. revise and che ...

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  • Which one of these doesn't contain the vowel sound in but: fun, mussels, phone, money
  • Very interesting =
  • The doctor told me to _________ sugar. I mustn't eat any at all.
    cut down on
  • She ________________________(live) in her present flat _______ she was 15.
    has been living/ has lived - since
  • He ________ swimming on Tuesdays (always go).
    He always goes swimming on Tuesdays.
  • Which of these words do not contain the sound /u:/ ? suit, boat, boot, mute
  • Do you think they ____________ (finish) the project on time? will finish/ finish
    will finish
  • How long ___________________ (have) this email address? Is it new?
    have you had
  • She _____ never _______________ (play) chess but she'd love to.
    has never played
  • Most people should _____ down on junk food.
  • Which of these words have a short sound and which have a long sound: sit seat hit heat will wheel mill meal bin been ship sheep
    /i/ - sit, hit (every 2nd word), /i:/
  • Do you prefer to _________ in or _______ out at the weekend?
  • Mmmmm What's in the oven? It ________ (smell) delicious! _________ (you/bake) a cake?
    smells... were you baking
  • Sorry about the broken bottle. I __________ (buy) a new one for you.
    I'll buy/ I will buy
  • She ______________a fortune after her uncle's death in 2012.
  • I'll have to _________ some money from my parents to go to the concert. (borrow/lend)
  • We _______ to the cinema on Saturday (go). ______ we go together?
    Will/ shall
  • Very hungry=
  • Pronounce these past tense verbs: watched, looked, liked, knew, have known
    Good job!
  • Taking care of kids is absolutely ________. I end up sleeping for hours after babysitting.
  • Pete was very _______________(extreme of sad) when he wasn't chosen for the job.