
mo4 54-55

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  • What did a BBG, who got hit by a ball two years ago, do?
    he smiled and kept going
  • Can you be a BBG if you've got exams?
  • How long does the Wimbledon tournament last?
    two weeks
  • How long did she spend training?
    five months - from February to June
  • Can you be a BBG if you have exams?
  • What did Nadia get from some of the players?
    autographs and photographs
  • How many times has Nadia been a BBG?
    only once
  • When was Nadia a BBG?
    last year
  • What happened to one of the BBGs last year?
    A BBG broke his leg during a match. After the match he was taken to hospital.
  • How did Nadia get chosen to be a BBG?
    Her school was chosen to nominate pupils, and she was the right age - under 16
  • What sort of training do BBGs need to do?
    they need to run for 12 minutes and stand still for 4
  • What did a couple of players let BBGs do?
    come to their changing rooms
  • Why did Nadia like being a ball girl?
    because she was so close to some of her favourite players
  • Did she get paid well?
    no, the job is voluntary
  • Is the training easy to become a BBG?
  • Why didn't she talk to the players on court?
    BBGs are not allowed to talk to the players during matches
  • Can Nadia be a BBG next year?
    No, she will be too old
  • What is a BBG?
    a ball boy or a boy girl