
Food Webs, Food Chains, Trophic Pyramids, and En ...

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  • How is energy lost?
    Heat, Feces, Organism dies without being eaten
  • Why do we need energy?
    To do everything
  • What is a Trophic level?
    Model used to show the amount of energy that flows between trophic levels in an ecosystem
  • When an animal eats another organism what happens?
    The energy gets transferred
  • What are consumers
    Animals and Bacteria
  • What is prey
    Animals that are hunted by predators
  • What are the names of the organisms that do photosynthesis?
  • What cycles through an ecosystem? (2)
    Energy : Food, Carbon: Carbon dioxide
  • What does "Heterotroph" mean
    Dependable on others
  • Matter can be created and destroyed
    No, it transforms
  • How much energy goes up to the next level of the food pyramid?
    Only 10% the rest is lost.
  • Why do we need to eat?
    When we eat we get the energy from the things we eat and without that energy we will die because we cant do anything
  • Why are there usually not more than 3 levels in the pyramid?
    There is not enough energy
  • Who eats those organisms?
    Producers/ Animals
  • What are producers
  • What 3 categories cant plants and animals fall in?
    Herbivore, Carnivore, and Omnivore
  • Where does all of the energy in an ecosystem originally come from?
    The sun
  • What does "Autotroph" mean
    self feeding
  • What are predators
    Animals that hunt for prey