
Close to Shore Ch.1-6

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  • True or False? No animal will attack a great white shark (and live).
  • What year does this story take place?
  • What happened if a lady violated the beach dress code?
    She was arrested.
  • What was Charles's purpose for swimming that afternoon?
    He was trying to see how far he could swim (to show off)
  • Approximately how deep was the water when Charles was attacked?
    3 and 1/2 feet
  • True or false: Sharks eat their brothers/sisters while they are in the womb.
  • Where did the shark initially bite Charles?
    Left leg
  • How often does a great white's teeth replenish?
    approximately every two weeks
  • Name one of the two sports Hermann Oelrich helped introduce to the USA.
    polo, lacrosse
  • Where did the shark bite Charles?
    Left leg
  • What were people afraid was lurking in the water that could potentially attack? Hint: Dr. Vansant was reading about this in the paper.
    German U-Boat
  • How far can a great white smell prey?
    Up to a 1/4 of a mile away.
  • Aside from being inappropriate (by their standards for the time period), why did the lifeguards say women couldn't expose their knees at the beach?
    They thought it attracted sharks.
  • "The hotel was a temperance house, but guests enjoyed the pleasures of reading, dining, and dancing in the starlit evening..." What does temperance mean? A. no maid service B. no alcohol C. no smoking D. no visitors
    B. no alcohol
  • Name one of the two sports Herman Oelrich helped introduce to the USA.
    polo, lacrosse
  • If all a shark know is life=food=life, then why doesn't the mother shark eat her newborns?
    Nature prevents the mother shark from eating her pups by pumping her full of hormones that diminish her appetite temporarily, which allows her pups time to flee
  • What state does this story take place?
    New Jersey
  • What did Hermann Oelrichs do when large sharks appeared by his yacht?
    He dove overboard and splashed boldly, scattering the sharks.
  • Do great white sharks prefer cooler or warmer water temperatures?