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  • Make the sentence more formal: "I spoke to a lot of people who I hadn't talked to before"
    "I spoke to a lot of people to whom I hadn't talked before"
  • Transform the clause into a Participle Clause: "Because she hadn't understood the question..."
    Not having understood the question...
  • Transform the clause into a Participle Clause: "Because he was a little shy..."
    Being a little shy...
  • Add the preposition "WITH" to the sentence: "This is the woman whom I'm speaking"
    This is the woman with whom I'm speaking
  • What is the definite article and how do we use it?
    THE - to talk about actions known by both the speaker and the listener
  • Make the sentence less formal: "The woman to whom you are talking"
    The woman (who) you're talking to
  • Which discourse markers can be used to give examples? Give two examples.
    For example, for instance, such as, including
  • Add the preposition "OF" to the sentence: "I have lots of pretty dresses, many which I rarely wear"
    I have lots of pretty dresses, many of which I rarely wear
  • Give one example of a discourse marker used to emphasize someone's example.
    In particular, particularly
  • What is the indefinite article and how do we use it?
    A/AN - to talk about actions that are unknown by either the speaker or the listener