
technology speaking practice

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  • Can the Net help improve your English?
  • How will computers change in the future?
  • Will computers ever become self-learning or intelligent?
  • Ask any grammatically correct question to another student.
  • Can you code? Why or why not and who taught you to code? If you can code, which coding languages do you use? If you can't code, why not? Which coding languages do you know?
  • What risks are there to smart appliances (smart fridge, washing machine, heating system...)? Explain your answer.
  • Is the Internet dangerous? Explain your answer.
  • Ask any grammatically correct question about technology to another student.
  • What does the term "The Internet of Things" or "IOT" mean to you?
  • At what age should children learn how to use computers?
  • Do you / would you like to have your own blog?
  • How do computers make life better or worse?
  • How many hours a day are you online?
  • Ask any grammatically correct question about technology to another student.
  • What are your favourite Internet sites?
  • How often do you buy things online? Why?
  • How can you protect computers from viruses or hackers?
  • Which is worse: 0 hours a day online or 8 hours day?
  • What kind of website would you like to own?
  • Ask any grammatically correct question to another student.
  • Is the Internet a good way to make friends? Explain your answer.
  • Have you ever been to Internet cafes? Do you / would you like going there?
  • Talk about how you learned to use a computer, who taught you, when, etc.
  • How many hours a day should people be online?
  • Have you ever designed a website? What was it?
  • When do you plan to use your computer next?
  • Why do you think chatting online with friends is so popular?
  • How can you make money from the Internet? Give some concrete examples.
  • Which is more important: TV or Internet?
  • What kind of wearable technology do you have or would you like to have?
  • Which is better: a laptop or a desktop computer and why?
  • Do you like playing video games or computer games? If so, which and if not, why?
  • How would you rate your computer skills? Why?
  • Why is knowing how to use a computer important?
  • Describe how to go online to view a website.
  • How would life be different without computers?
  • What advances do you think there will be in smartphone technology in the next 10 years?
  • Why do you think Facebook and social networking sites are so popular?
  • Ask any grammatically correct question to another student.
  • How often do you check your email?