
09.12.2020 Review B1

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • What you bought on e-Bay?
    What did you buy on e-Bay?
  • He has lost your wallet. (swój)
    He has lost his wallet.
  • I many times something bought and then regretted it.
    I many times bought something and then regretted it.
  • I bought a bag which I never used it.
    I bought a bag which I never used.
  • I spend the money I won for a pen case.
    I spent the money I won on a pen case.
  • Have you ever see the Queen?
    Have you ever seen the Queen?
  • What was the weather in Italy?
    What was the weather like in Italy?
  • I sometimes waste money for things I don't need.
    I sometimes waste money on things I don't need.
  • Have you seen Big Ben when you invited London?
    Have you seen Big Ben when you visited London?
  • What you doing in this time?
    What were you doing at this time?