You are out to lunch with some friends. A friend looks at your plate and says "I thought you were trying to lose weight?"
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
Your friend's grandma is applying to work at Starbucks. You tell your friend that she's wasting her time because she's too old.
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
Your class is having a debate about World War II. You don't agree with the side of the debate you're on, but join the debate anyway.
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You notice your new English teacher is in a wheelchair. You sit down and she teaches you English
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You are shopping for prom dresses with a friend. She tries on two dresses, one that fits and one that is too tight. She asks your opinion and you say that you like the one that fit her and the color looked good on her.
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You are invited to your friend's house for Shabbat (a traditional Jewish meal on Friday night,) but you aren't Jewish. You ask questions about the food and complement her family on the delicious meal.
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You watch a student council debate and don't like one of the candidates but watch the entire debate before casting your vote anyway.
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You are sitting eating lunch with friends. One of your friends starts talking about the dissection project in their science class.
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
A classmate stands up in the middle of class in order to ask a girl on a date. The teacher tells her to sit down and she replies "You're too old to remember what love feels like"
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
A new student moves to Forest Lake from the Middle East. You ask him questions about his life there and asks him to teach you Arabic in exchange for English lessons
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You notice that your best friend is acting strangely and you worry about her. You make a mental note to privately check in with a mutual friend later.
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You overhear a conversation about how much your parents make at their jobs. You repeat that at the bus stop the next morning in order to impress your friends
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
Your grandparents invite you to go to church with them. You say "no thank you, religion is for people who can't think for themselves."
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
Your friends are talking about the confederate flag. One friend argues that it shouldn't be banned & represents Southern heritage. The other friend says it should be banned because it caused so much pain. They agree to disagree.
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You are shopping with a friend and are looking at some expensive jewelry. A salesperson asks if your friend needs help and you say "no, he doesn't, he can't afford those"
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
Your class is having a debate about World War II. You don't agree with the side of the debate you're on, but join the debate anyway.
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You meet your best friend's brother at a party. You tell them "I've never met anyone who is adopted before. Do you ever wonder about your real parents?"
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
You notice a classmate is wearing a hearing aid. You start talking really loudly and ask him "WHEN DID YOU BECOME DEAF?"
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
Your uncle really cares about politics. Over Thanksgiving dinner, your brother tries to lure him into an argument. Your uncle says "not tonight, tonight is about family!"
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
Your brother gets into a political argument with the woman sitting next to him on the bus. They start yelling and you hear him say "Only an idiot would vote for your candidate!"
Is this an appropriate topic or not? Why or why not?
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