
Philanthropy and capitalism

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  • Do you think that locally run charity organizations are more effective?
  • Do you think the government should give money to homeless and jobless people? If not, how can they be helped or encouraged to help themselves?
  • Are there any charities in Gdańsk?
  • Why do you think people volunteer to work in a charity?
  • How do you know if a beggar is a real beggar?
  • Do you give to charity or volunteer?
  • Do you think it is better to give stuff, service or money?
  • Can you think of any projects to help people in need?
  • What sort of problems exist is the charity sector?
  • Do you think there are charities that are scams?
  • Do you give money to homeless people?
  • Do you think it is immoral for people to spend lots of money on themselves when people are starving and dying?
  • Would you offer a beggar any job you had to be done at home?Would you offer a beggar a job to help yo around you house?
  • Would you rather give money to beggars or buskers? (Buskers are people who entertain you on the street for money, e.g. musicians)
  • Have you ever received charity from others?
  • Have you ever worked for a charity? How long did you work there?
  • Should rich people and corporations be forced to give to charity? Do you think the rich have a duty to help the poor?
  • Do you agree with the expression “charity begins at home”?
  • Do you know and take part in fund raising events for charity?
  • Do you think countries should help the poor in their own country before sending aid to other countries?
  • Why do people need charity? What kind of problems do they have?
  • What are some reasons that homeless people would and would not want to use a shelter?
  • Do charities really help the poor to become independent in the long term or do they simply make poor people more dependent on charity?
  • Do you think it's acceptable for children to work selling flowers and singing?
  • Do you worry about where the money you donate to charity goes?
  • What do you think are some important charities people should give to?