
Predicting feelings

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  • 1.How is this student feeling? 2. What evidence does her body language give us? 3. Why might she be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this girl feeling? 2. What evidence does her body language give us? 3. Why might she be feeling this way?
    Nice work
  • 1.How is this woman feeling? 2. What evidence does her body language give us? 3. Why might she be feeling this way?
  • DO 3 star jumps
    nice work
  • Hop on one foot
  • 1.How is this woman feeling? 2. What evidence does her body language give us? 3. Why might she be feeling this way?
    nice work!
  • Take 2 deep breaths: slowly in through your nose, fill up your belly, and slowly out through your nose.
  • 1.How is this boy feeling? 2. What evidence does his body language give us? 3. Why might he be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this boy feeling? 2. What evidence does his body language give us? 3. Why might he be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this boy feeling? 2. What evidence does his body language give us? 3. Why might he be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this boy feeling? 2. What evidence does his body language give us? 3. Why might he be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this woman feeling? 2. What evidence does her body language give us? 3. Why might she be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this boy feeling? 2. What evidence does his body language give us? 3. Why might he be feeling this way?
  • Say out loud: I am a kind kid!
    yes you are!
  • Do 3 cow to cat chair yoga poses
    Nice work
  • Do the tree yoga pose
    nice and tall!
  • 1.How is this girl feeling? 2. What evidence does her body language give us? 3. Why might she be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this girl feeling? 2. What evidence does her body language give us? 3. Why might she be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this boy feeling? 2. What evidence does his body language give us? 3. Why might he be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this man feeling? 2. What evidence does his body language give us? 3. Why might he be feeling this way?
  • 1.How is this girl feeling? 2. What evidence does her body language give us? 3. Why might she be feeling this way?