
Human Body Revision Quiz

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  • What happens to your heart during exercise?
    The heart rate increses
  • What chemical does the blood receive from the lungs needed for humans to survive?
  • What is the function of the liver?
    It detoxifies what we ingest
  • True or false, and Artery carries Oxygenated blood
  • What is the name of the molecule that deoxygenated blood releases when it reaches the lungs?
  • Which organ stores our food soon after we have eaten?
    The stomach
  • Which organs are involved in respiration
    The lungs and the heart
  • True or false, Veins carry Deoxygenated blood
  • True or false, The large intestine is mostly responsible for the absorption of nutrients.
    False, the small intestine performs this function
  • What is the function of the liver?
    It detoxifies what we ingest
  • What happens when you breathe out?
    The lungs contract.
  • Which organs are responsible for filtering our blood?
    The Kidneys
  • What happens when you breathe in?
    The lungs expand
  • Where does 90 percent of digestion and absorption take place?
    The small Intestine
  • True or false, The large intestine is mostly responsible for the absorption of nutrients.
    False, the small intestine performs this function
  • Which organ is responses for all of the nervous impulses in our body?
    The brain