
Choose your Attitude!

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  • What can you do to feel better when you are stressed?
    Deep breaths, go for a walk, meditate, listen to music, etc.
  • Co-workers want to work with someone who has a ___________ attitude.
  • Should you be willing to learn or try new things?
    Yes! You'll never know unless you try!
  • A person with a positive attitude is ________ to everyone.
    kind, nice, respectful, etc.
  • Is it acceptable to gossip or spread rumors about others?
    No, it's important to think about how it would make them feel.
  • Do YOU have a positive attitude?
  • Should you ask for a break when you feel stressed?
    Yes, taking care of yourself will help improve your mood.
  • What can you do to start the day with a positive attitude?
    Smile, make eye contact and say "Good morning!" to everyone.
  • True or False? People with positive attitudes are happy, enthusiastic and confident.
  • If you want to have a positive attitude, spend time with _________ people.
  • True or False? Showing a smile can change other people's moods.
    True! Smiling is contagious!
  • Is keeping a positive attitude a hard skill or a soft skill?
    It is a soft skill.
  • A ____________ attitude will help you get a job and keep it.
  • People who find the good in each situation are showing a positive _____________.
  • By asking co-workers how you can help them, you are showing a __________ ____________.
    positive attitude
  • Is it ever acceptable to make fun of others or laugh at their expense?
    No, it can cause hurt feelings.
  • True or False? A person who complains a lot has a positive attitude.
    False. Positive people look for solutions instead of complaining.