
What Should I Do?

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  • You are talking to your friends but they aren't listening. What should you do?
  • Your friend is talking about what he did over the weekend. He looks at you and asks what you did over the weekend. What should you do?
  • You need to get the teacher's attention but she is talking to another student. What should you do?
  • You are having fun working on an activity in the classroom. It is time to switch activities but you don't want to. What should you do?
  • You are talking about your birthday party when a classmate interrupts you and starts talking about his birthday. How does that make you feel? What should you do?
  • You are about to start a math worksheet during class but can't find your pencil anywhere. What should you do?
  • Your friend is telling you about a scary movie he watched over the weekend and you start to feel scared. What should you say?
  • At recess you see someone sitting alone and looking sad. What should you do?
  • You let your friend borrow your game and tell him you would like it back next week. It has been two weeks and you still don't have your game back. What should you do?
  • Someone says something unkind to you. What should you do?
  • You bump into someone in the hall and she drops her books on the floor. What should you do?
  • Someone takes your pencil without asking. What should you do?