
Story Wiz 1-5 Review

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  • Has Seahorse seen her baby?
    Yes, he has. (or Yes, I have.)
  • She met someone in the beach. He is pink and lives in the shell. Who is he?
  • Where is the baby?
    In the sand!
  • Mommy crab met someone who is pink and wearing a cap. Who is this?
  • What is the name of this sport?
    volley ball
  • What's the name of this country?
  • You can see small yellow particles in the beach. What is it?
  • Starfish answered about her question "Have you seen my baby?" "..."
    No, I haven't.
  • When you want to say something that is far from here is...
    Over there.
  • Mommy crab is looking for her baby. She is ...
    a) sad
  • When you want to surprise someone, how will you say?
  • Shrimp told her that ____ might have seen her baby. Who is this?