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  • Many universities in Korea offer forest healing programs. Yes or No?
    Not given keke
  • List at least 2 benefits of nature in terms of disease treatment
    blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, diabetes...
  • Teens in Canada prefer recreational activities to being outside. Yes or No?
    Not given :)))
  • How long is suggested to be outdoors according to the reading?
    20 minutes a day
  • What is the name of the healing forest in Seoul? Please write.
  • The title of the unit is 11C. Your brain on nature. Yes or No?
    No. Unit 11. Life in the snow lane
  • Waling in the park makes no difference to walking around the city. Yes or No?
  • Research indicates that about 90% of American teenagers don't spend time outdoors. Yes or No?
  • List two problems do South Koreans suffer from, which make them embrace the medicalization of nature.
    work stress, digital addiction or intense academic pressures
  • Who demonstrates that nature can make us more creative?
    David Strayer
  • More and more people get to enjoy nature to relieve their stress from work and study. Yes or No?
  • How many blue vocabulary items are there in the reading? )))
    5 hehe
  • Fill in the blank with one word: "Nature is the.............for the soul"
  • There are 37 official healing forests in South Korea. Yes or No?
    No. Three official healing forests
  • What is the synonym of "at the dawn of"? And give an example.
    at the beginning of...
  • All of the firefighters have post-traumatic stress disorder. Yes or No?
  • Fill in the blank with one word? "According to Lisa Nisbet, evidence for the benefits of nature is pouring in at a time when we are most..........from it"